Heart & Soul Wellness

Wellness Blogs

Life can be challenging and you don't have to do it alone! Welcome to your weekly support for navigating the complexities of the human experience. Together, we will gain insight and explore practical tips and strategies for the continued growth and healing of our Hearts & Souls.

Entrepreneurs and the Mental Health Crisis: The Role of Therapy in Navigating Stress and Uncertainty

Entrepreneurs and the Mental Health Crisis: The Role of Therapy in Navigating Stress and Uncertainty

High Rates of Mental Health Issues: According to the Journal of Business Venturing, research indicates that entrepreneurs have higher rates of depression (30%), anxiety disorders (27%), and ADHD (29%) than non-entrepreneurs

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Navigating the Waves: Understanding Anxiety and Effective Coping Strategies

Navigating the Waves: Understanding Anxiety and Effective Coping Strategies

While everyone experiences anxiety at some point, it can be exasperating to deal with its frequent interruptions in daily life. Worries about not being able to manage its abrupt arrival, such as during a panic attack, can intensify feelings of anxiety. However, it's crucial to recognize that several effective methods are available to soothe your mind, embrace uncertainty, and mitigate stress.

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