Heart & Soul Wellness

Wellness Blogs

Life can be challenging and you don't have to do it alone! Welcome to your weekly support for navigating the complexities of the human experience. Together, we will gain insight and explore practical tips and strategies for the continued growth and healing of our Hearts & Souls.

Unlocking the Power of Journaling: 5 Benefits to Transform Your Life
Self-awareness, Self-improvement, Self-reflection Eva-mae Emmerich Self-awareness, Self-improvement, Self-reflection Eva-mae Emmerich

Unlocking the Power of Journaling: 5 Benefits to Transform Your Life

Amidst the chaos of modern life, finding moments of reflection and introspection can seem like a luxury. However, journaling is a timeless practice that offers a practical solution. It's not just a hobby or a way to record daily events but a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. Let's delve into five compelling reasons why journaling can be a transformative addition to your routine.

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Am I Being Love Bombed?
Dating, Relationships, Self-awareness Eva-mae Emmerich Dating, Relationships, Self-awareness Eva-mae Emmerich

Am I Being Love Bombed?

It is almost certain you have heard the term love bombing. It seems to be everywhere today, from Tiktok to Instagram, to conversations between friends. You might have heard a girl friend saying “girl you are being love bombed” as you described the showering of affection and attention from a new love interest. While this intense focus can create a sense of euphoria and validation, love bombing can have serious consequences for your emotional well-being and autonomy.

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Unlocking Self-Awareness: 12 Questions to Understand Yourself Better

Unlocking Self-Awareness: 12 Questions to Understand Yourself Better

Self-awareness is not merely about knowing our likes and dislikes; it's about understanding the underlying reasons behind them; recognizing patterns, understanding triggers, and acknowledging the impact of our actions on ourselves and others. It involves introspection, reflection, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths.

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The Imposter Within: Recognizing and Confronting Imposter Syndrome

The Imposter Within: Recognizing and Confronting Imposter Syndrome

Individuals caught in this pattern often deeply believe they don't deserve their accomplishments, attributing their success to luck or deception rather than their own abilities. This mindset can spiral into self-sabotage, with individuals hesitating to take risks or pursue new opportunities for fear of being revealed as frauds. 

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Embracing Liberation: Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You

Embracing Liberation: Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You

In the journey of life, we often accumulate baggage—physical, emotional, and mental—that weighs us down. Whether it's toxic relationships, limiting beliefs, or clutter in our physical spaces, holding onto what no longer serves us can hinder our growth and happiness. Let's explore the art of letting go and the transformative power it holds.

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